Dutch Red Cross
Positioning campaign
The Red Cross has developed a new brand positioning and campaign with XXS, in which the unconditional provision of help to anyone, anywhere, is central.
With this campaign, a step is taken to infuse content into one of the world's best-known brands, break through the obvious, and increase brand strength. By outlining situations that can happen to anyone and by emphasizing the unpredictability of emergencies, the core value of the Red Cross – unconditional aid for everyone – is linked to the situations in which the Red Cross actually operates. Situations both closer and farther away have been deliberately chosen. The Red Cross is known for its work in other countries, but it has also been very relevant in the Netherlands in the past year in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The iconic red cross is the connecting factor in the campaign. By emphasizing visibility in emergency situations, we establish the connection between what the Red Cross actually does and where the aid organization takes action.
The campaign was rolled out on TV, radio, in print, and outdoor.
Design Director
Robert-Jan Hoesman
Siebe Kruize
Jan de Roos
Lodewijk van der Peet
Editor DOOH
Bart Bijleveld
Jose Evers
Evelien Oosterveld
Francis Oud
Film and Photography production
XXS Amsterdam