Fruit Shoot FSE-1
GO EXPLORE showing the fantasy world of children the way mothers like to see it: active, playful and outdoors, at the same time demonstrating the practical benefits of Fruitshoot.
This project was a 360 degree campaign mechanism centred around a website. Kids could sign in on the website with a code on the neck of a fruitshoot bottle, then they could win a 12 meter custom designed bouncer in the shape of a rocket near their home.
We also created a online space explorer game where kids could increase their chances of winning the rocket bouncer by finishing the game and getting the highest score. They could invite their friends and dare them to do better, thus generating more traffic to the site.
Around the rocket events, fruitshoot bottles were sampled as this was another great contact moment with the kids and their parents. The rocket tour create a lot of awareness and sales went up from 5 to 12 percent.
Design Direction
Robert-Jan Hoesman
Creative Team
Gordana Lucic
Roger Matena
3D Design & Animation
Justin Baker
Website & Gamecoding
Greenlight Solutions
Inflatable Technical Design
Erik van Dongen @airdesign
photo thomas
Gerald van Daalen
BSUR Concepting